Wheat State Buildings

Wheat State Buildings are designed and manufactured in western Kansas by highly skilled craftsmen and tailored to your specific needs.
Member Categories: Buildings - Metal, Concrete, Construction, Locally-Owned


1789 230th Ave.
HAYS, KS 67601

(833) 972-8453

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p class="personsname"Ashley Steiner /p p class="jobtitle"Digital Media Marketing Specialist/p ul class="contactinfo" li class="workphone"(785) 639-2588/li li class="email"a href="mailto:ashleysteiner@hess-services.com"ashleysteiner@hess-services.com/a/li /ul p class="personsname"Lisa Hess/p p class="jobtitle"CFO/p ul class="contactinfo" li class="workphone"(785) 625-9295/li li class="email"a href="mailto:lisahess@hess-services.com"lisahess@hess-services.com/a/li /ul
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