Western Kansas Therapy Associates

We provide a wide array of therapy, counseling and assessment for persons of all ages. We have 7 therapists and one intern, each of whom schedules their own appointments.
Member Categories: Children's Counseling / Therapy, Counseling / Therapy, Psychology / Social Work, Therapy, Counseling, Mental Health


208 E. 8th Ste D (James Building)
Hays, KS 67601

(785) 260-0924

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p class="personsname"Marijo Rooney/p p class="jobtitle"Licensed Psychologist/p ul class="contactinfo" li class="workphone"(785) 260-0924/li li class="email"a href="mailto:marijo@rooneyworks.com"marijo@rooneyworks.com/a/li /ul p class="personsname"Josh Tanguay/p ul class="contactinfo" li class="workphone"(785) 260-0924/li li class="email"a href="mailto:jtanguay@wktassociates.com"jtanguay@wktassociates.com/a/li /ul
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