Midwest Energy, Inc.
Midwest Energy is a customer owned cooperative serving over 90,000 electric and natural gas customers in central and western Kansas. They operate out of eight local offices with 270 employees.
Member Categories: Energy / Natural Gas / Electricity, Utilities
No business bulletins at this time.
No news items at this time.
Bill Dowling
- (785) 625-1432
- bdowling@mwenergy.com
Vice President of Human Resources
- (785) 625-1406
- sdetherage@mwenergy.com
- (785) 625-1416
- tmeis@mwenergy.com
- (785) 625-0255
- patparke@mwenergy.com
- (785) 625-3437
- caugustine@mwenergy.com
- (785) 625-3437
- rcorn@mwenergy.com
- (785) 625-3437
- baugustine@mwenergy.com
- (785) 625-1403
- bhutchison@mwenergy.com
- (785) 625-3437
- nikkil@mwenergy.com
- (785) 625-3437
- nhoffman@mwenergy.com
- (785) 625-3437
- tflax@mwenergy.com
- (785) 625-3437
- jliles@mwenergy.com
- (785) 625-3437
- mbillinger@mwenergy.com
- (785) 625-1463
- mmorley@mwenergy.com
Organizational Development
- (785) 625-1426
- dfuchs@mwenergy.com
Human Resources Specialist
- (785) 650-2529
- llinn@mwenergy.com
Energy Technology Specialist
- (800) 222-3121
- jvonlintel2@mwenergy.com
- (785) 625-3437
- jhuxman@mwenergy.com
Communications Assistant
- (785) 625-3437
- afeyerherm@mwenergy.com
- (785) 625-3437
- jwise@mwenergy.com
- (785) 625-3437
- ekoser@mwenergy.com
- (785) 650-2537
- nwindholz@mwenergy.com
- (785) 625-3437
- jalong@mwenergy.com
- (785) 625-3437
- maugustine@mwenergy.com
- (785) 625-3437
- cmoore@mwenergy.com
Communications Specialist
- (785) 650-2579
- jdinkel@mwenergy.com
Director of Project Management Office
- (785) 625-3437
- hbielser@mwenergy.com
Systems Operator
- (785) 625-3437
- rruder@mwenergy.com
No job listings for this member at this time