Kansas Big Brothers Big Sisters

Since 1904, Big Brothers Big Sisters has operated under the belief that inherent in every child is incredible potential. As the nation's largest donor- and volunteer-supported mentoring network, Big Brothers Big Sisters makes meaningful, monitored matches between adult volunteers ('Bigs') and children ('Littles'), ages 5 through young adulthood in communities across the country. We develop positive relationships that have a direct and lasting effect on the lives of young people. Mission: Create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth. Vision: All youth achieve their full potential.
Member Categories: Adult Volunteer Positions, Children Focused Organizations, Service Organizations, Non-Profit


1200 Main St. Suite 102
Hays, KS 67601

(785) 625-6672

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Jenny Bates

Area Director

Tristen Starkey

Match Support Specialist

Lexi Gardner

Program Manager

Tracey Andrews

Senior Support Match Specialist

Madi Bieker

Match Support Specialist

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