Herrman Physical Therapy Wellness, LLC

Our Mission: Herrman Physical Therapy Wellness will provide friendly, trained, professional, and personalized quality care with a uniquely fun and spiritual atmosphere. Herrman Physical Therapy Wellness will provide these services at an affordable rate and great accessibility. Our Vision: Herrman Physical Therapy Wellness will be the recognized leader in helping the community achieve and maintain good musculoskeletal health.
Member Categories: Medical Specialist, Therapy, Physical, Physical Therapy / Rehabilitation


2514 Vine St, Unit 2
Hays, KS 67601

(785) 621-5888

(785) 621-5890 (fax)

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p class="personsname"Troy Herrman/p p class="jobtitle"Physical Therapist/p ul class="contactinfo" li class="workphone"(785) 621-5888/li li class="email"a href="mailto:troyherrman@herrmanpt.com"troyherrman@herrmanpt.com/a/li /ul p class="personsname"Tina Herrman/p p class="jobtitle"Clinic Manager/p ul class="contactinfo" li class="workphone"(785) 621-5888/li li class="email"a href="mailto:tinaherrman@herrmanpt.com"tinaherrman@herrmanpt.com/a/li /ul p class="personsname"Kerby Rice/p p class="jobtitle"Doctor of Physical Therapy/p ul class="contactinfo" li class="workphone"(785) 621-5888/li li class="email"a href="mailto:kerbyrice@herrmanpt.com"kerbyrice@herrmanpt.com/a/li /ul
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