Hays Lions Club
Our mission is to empower Lions clubs, volunteers and partners to improve health and wellbeing, strengthen communities, and support those in need through humanitarian service and grants that impact lives globally, and encourage peace and international understanding. And we fulfill it every day, everywhere we serve.
Member Categories: Service Organizations, Community Service Organizations, Non-Profit, Youth Services
No business bulletins at this time.
No news items at this time.
Warren Shaffer
Lion Tamer & Tail Twister
Gene StramelPast President
Sandra BeisnerTreasurer
- (785) 342-9390
- lionsandybeisner@yahoo.com
- (785) 639-3430
- hayslion@yahoo.com
- (785) 650-4899
- shelleybryant78@yahoo.com
1st Vice President
Lynda Falley2nd Vice President
- (785) 342-9390
- falley58@gmail.com
- (785) 342-9390
- hayskansaslion@gmail.com
2-Year Board Member
- (785) 623-0133
No job listings for this member at this time