Igniting Leadership

Wednesday, April 3, 2024 - 5:30pm to 6:30pm


Facilitator: Nikki Pfannenstiel, Manager of Economic Development at Sunflower Electric Power Corp. Program: Exploring leadership opportunities on a broader scale Calling all Leadership Hays and Dale Carnegie graduates and any local leaders who enjoy synergizing with others on how to improve Hays and the surrounding area!  Igniting Leadership will be facilitated by 2022 Leadership Hays graduate Laurie Kennedy.  Each month, the time of Igniting Leadership will alternate between a noon lunch session and a 5:30 dinner option on the first Wednesday of every month.  Anyone who is interested in flexing leadership muscle is welcome to attend.  The cost of meals and drinks will be the responsibility of attendees to cover. 


Paisley Pear Wine Bar, Bistro & Market 1100 Main St.


Igniting Leadership is free and open for members and the public to attend.